Ocean Storm
"Flight of the Butterfly"
The Jetsonian Love Wave
The Cool Cube
Journey to the Sun Table
"Heal These Broken Wings"
"Music Gone Viral"
Ocean Swell I & II
"A Rich Life" 2014 Lloyd Nicholson
"Lady Day" 2015 Lloyd Nicholson
"Coming Home" 2014 Lloyd Nicholson
"The Breakout #1" 2014
"a Dream... Canada"
"The Little Bathroom Table" 2014
"The Little Bath Bench #2" 2014
"Cape Cod Crackle Finish" Plinth SOLD
Single Panel Pocket Door Comission SOLD 2014
"Monarch Landing" 2013
"Space Candy" 2004
The Brazilian Amber
"All Good Things #4" 2012
"Love the Creatures" 2014
"U.M." (Upward Mobility) 2014
"Canada with Love" 2005
"Moon over Water-World" 2009
"Olde Neptune" Small Plinth SOLD
"Summertime" 2009
"Transom Window" 2009
"The Little Bth Bench" #1 2012
"Moonlight & Gold" #'s 1 & 2 - 2012
"Drop of Ocean" #2 2004
"Summer to Fall" 2012
"Ocean Wave" 2003
Neptune Summer 003 (2).jpg
"Neptune Summer" #'s 1-3 2011
"The Little Hall Table - Jetsonian Love Finish" 2004
"Summer of Sol" 2005
"Olive-Mesa Crackle Finish" Large Plinth SOLD
"Summer Day on Salt Spring" 2003
"Ocean of Dreams" Sold 2005
"Drop of Ocean" #1 2003
"Jetsonian Love Orb" 2003
"Jetsonian Love Orb" 2003 Reverse Side
"Storm Warning #1" SOLD 2009
"Storm Warning #2" SOLD 2004
"Storm Warning #3" 2004 SOLD
"Storm Warning #3" 2004 SOLD reverse side
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